Unraveling String Theory (The Norman Withers Question)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Norman Banks 1 0 1 1.0
Inspiration for
Norman can be fast 0 0 0 1.0

Myriad · 1217

Deck Overview

Norman Withers presents some interesting possibilities. Even without the card pool expanded for the inevitable synergies that will accompany the investigators official release, he has a few interesting builds.

I chose to focus on his unique card, Split the Angle. Split the Angle is an odd card and really only gains some use with cards like Scrying and Alyssa Graham (Alyssa actually makes it pretty decent).

Unfortunately, Scrying tends to have less of an impact at higher player counts, but in 1 or 2 player games this set up can probably go pretty far.

Card Choices and Explanation

The core of the Norman deck is probably going to be the same regardless of what direction you choose to go (threat mitigation, resource generation or self-buffing), but I will discuss the key changes (the ally slot) and the mystic splash.

Maleson is in the deck to support the theme of threat mitigation. He also makes a great one drop who can be reset with calling in favors or by playing Alyssa Graham over him.

The mystic splash defines Norman as an investigator. I feel there are a few worthwhile splashes, but I would advise avoiding shriveling, blinding light and rite of seeking until later as you will probably be replacing them quickly and minimizing the impact of your splash.

That really leaves the following choices: Ward of Protection, Scrying, Alchemical Transmutation, Drawn to the Flame, Storm of Spirits, Alyssa Graham, Holy Rosary and Delve too Deep.

Alyssa stacks with Split the Angle and is pretty nice with Calling in Favors (although you will sometimes lose some money on the calling in favors). Just remember, you don't have to pile on the doom.

The Norman Withers Question

Building the deck really leaves you with a small impression that Norman is very fun and interesting, but also is a bit behind the rest of the Seeker gators right now, simply because he does not have access to Higher Education and Arcane Glyphs:Guiding Stones. A seeker's primary role in a group is to drive the agenda deck forward and Norman's only real reliable tool for gaining momentum comes entirely from the upgraded rite of seeking. To me, that makes it an auto include.

Enjoy the list! Thoughts? Comments? Criticism? Lets discuss!


Dec 21, 2017 jacque_stampunk · 3

Just a thought, and to make your 1 Calling in Favors a little more viable, you might consider switching out Working a Hunch with Art Student. I like Art Student as it does the basic same thing at the same cost as Working a Hunch but gives you a body to throw some damage or horror on. You do loose 1 Intellect icon but Norman has a 5 so may not miss it as much as Minh Thi Phan or Rex Murphy.

Dec 21, 2017 Myriad · 1217

The thrust of your reasoning is sound and I did consider art student. However, working a hunch is probably the way to go for a few reasons.

1.) Sanity isn't an issue for Norman. He is already packing some tough sanity allies and the rosary. There is also a seeker sanity recovery card in phantom of truth that is probably worth the slot as it is double will and an event.

2.) Working a Hunch is fast. This means if it is on top of your deck as Norman you can gain tempo investigating a location for 1 resource and draw into a new card. Norman really likes fast cards for his ability.

3.) Finally, working a hunch is action free. You are using actions for other things a lot in Norman.

However if you want to try art student, slot it in over research assistant. You could also drop another card for another copy without missing much.

Dec 21, 2017 jacque_stampunk · 3

I do not think I noticed how much "fast" stuff Norman is running here. I do like the draw that Laboratory Assistant gives. What do you think you will sub out for Logical Reasoning, which sadly is not fast.

Dec 21, 2017 Myriad · 1217

I am not sure exactly what I would drop for the change. It might be a 1x or a 2x depending on testing. I might do a straight swap up from Guts as skills in the deck gums up his ability and Inquiring Mind/Deduction are both pretty strong.

I may also try dropping fieldwork or a single I've Got a Plan depending on group composition.

Again, it depends on testing, but I definitely plan on including at least one Logical Reasoning.

Dec 29, 2017 Myriad · 1217

After playing the list a bit more I think scrying is the weakness. Sadly, the action per turn for scrying is just too cumbersome.

Those two slots are likely better served as something else.

I also am beginning to question rosary. 3 slots leaves a lot of room for the build. I will play around a bit more and see what I can find out.

Dec 29, 2017 jacque_stampunk · 3

Storm of Spirits might be a good include. It may not be that great in solo but would give you a way to deal with enemies.

Dec 29, 2017 Myriad · 1217

Yeah. I am leaning towards Quantum Flux and a Storm of Spirits.

Norman likes Quantum quite a bit as it lets you replay your awesome events.

Dec 29, 2017 jacque_stampunk · 3

mmm pull out Scrying, Holy Rosary, and I honestly think you might consider loosing Alyssa Graham but her synergy with him is pretty awesome, just something to think about. Put in 2 Storm of Spirits and 2 Quantum Flux. But if you only put in one of those I think Quantum Flux is your cheeky 1 of. But those are just my thoughts.

Dec 29, 2017 jacque_stampunk · 3

Also I hate to ask this here but are you on the Arkham discord server? My name there is Jacques_Steampunk if you want to find me there.