Skids the Author

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

SleightSoda · 105

So I realized I left my notes on here when I published this deck. Whoops!

This is a deck I made because I love the "rogue" archetype in any game and am partial to Skids in particular. The title is "Skids the Author" because it is focused on maximizing the use of the Chicago Typewriter. This is a deck I built to play with a good friend of mine in a two player Dunwich Campaign. She's playing Daisy so the idea is that she wins the game and I keep the tentacled nasties from getting in the way. With that goal in mind, while I haven't abandoned clue gathering entirely (I plan to have Lockpicks at least at one point), this is largely a combat focused deck. The other two things I'm looking to do with this deck is compensate for Skids' deficit in Will and utilize his propensity for extra actions.

Something that is very interesting to me about this deck is how much things are shifting around as I upgrade it. Practically all of my assets are going to change from the initial iteration of this deck to the upgraded version as I add the Typewriter, swap out the .45s for Sheds, and upgrade to Switchblades from the Machetes. The idea is to draw the Typewriter quickly with the Sheds and use Sleight of Hand and eventually Extra Ammunition to get the most use out of it. Leo De Luca and Quick Thinking, along with Skids' investigator ability will give me enough breathing room action wise to put as many symbols as I need on the Typewriter. At least, that's the plan.