DreamyNightySnoozySnooze Mandy

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

AndyB · 935

I'd like to say this was a thoroughly planned deck, but mostly, I thought it looks fun... 50 cards is probably not the most efficient - but it's 50 cards! In a deck!

Mandy doesn't have many ways of fighting, but the Rogue class might help her with running away. I had thought Mystic, but I think enemy management could get a bit tricky then.

Plenty of allies too - or "the Soak" as I also think of them - which I'm hoping to use with Calling in Favors to keep fresh. Research Librarian to fire her weakness early, Dr. William T. Maleson for a bit of encounter control and as a cheap soak, but most of all Mr. "Rook" for finding things and firing her ability.

We've got the Archaic Glyphs and Strange Solution 'cos while the campaign will be short, they could be useful. Shrewd Analysis will make the upgrade costs more palatable, I hope.

Asset-wise, we've the Old Book of Lore to give a searching option. I'd prefer not to use it - Mr. "Rook" is free to use, where the book costs an action. Hopefully, we can upgrade it into something else.

And we've Trench Coat to help with evasion, and Tooth of Eztli for a bit of treachery assistance.


Well, if I can, I'll upgrade the Unidentifieds ASAP. Then Segment of Onyx 'cos, well, it looks fun. I imagine that might be the limit of upgrades, but Charisma and Pathfinder would be awesome if achievable.