Jenny - Two-Handed Investigator

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

LNazgul · 13

Jenny has decided that pay to win is so last year, and her signature asset being two-handed has been dragging her down when she wants to investigate. What is the answer? Embrace the two-handed weapons while your allies investigate for you! Expensive? Sure, but you are loaded, and Another Day, Another Dollar is here to cover the bills. With two of those you have 9 resources out the gate to buy and ally and a two-handed gun.

Mulligan hard for the allies with plus investigate and St. Hubert's Key to get investigating right away. Use two-handed weapons to fight. Drink Tennessee Sour Mash to beat the encounter deck. Upgrade to Another Day, Another Dollar x2 ASAP to get up and running sooner, then Lola Santiago and Chicago Typewriter. Charisma and Calling in Favors will help get a second ally out for investigating. Alice and Alyssa are different to play them at the same time. Swap in Something Worth Fighting For to help with the key.

With all the assets in place, including Lola and Charisma, Jenny is 4, 6, 5 , and 5 with +1-2 damage and some good soak.

Upgrade example ->


Aug 31, 2019 LNazgul · 13

Upgraded Deck