Daisy (2-handed with Jenny)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

cengler · 25

Initial Thoughts:

I finally finished a core campaign run-through with a friend of mine. I want to play it again on my own to try and build some decks on my own since I net-decked the Jim Culver deck I played. I am going to play this run two-handed with Daisy Walker and Jenny Barnes to see how that tandem works.

Like many Daisy Walker decks, this one is geared towards getting clues quickly and with relative ease. I splashed a few arcane cards as I liked them in my Jim deck; we'll see if they prove useful. I tried to make this deck as defensive as possible since Daisy isn't much in a fight. Hopefully the Mind over Matter cards will help her out when she's stuck on her own.


May 11, 2017 StartWithTheName · 67452

I would always suggest taking 2 x milan if you are taking him at all. here youve taken 2 art student, presumbably to guarentee a clue on high shroud areas. But honestly daisy`s base int is fantastic for those. With milan in play it goes to 6 so in standard play you should find even shroud 4 areas a breeze. for comparison, you could spend an action to play art student to guarentee a clue, costing 2 creds, or you could just investigate with milan in play and almost certainly get the clue and actually gain a credit. Worst case scenario you waste the action and have to search again.