The lower cost and ability to reload are pretty great, as are the two skill icons. Combos beautifully with Well Prepared and the Bandolier, ensuring that you don't waste your Shotgun or M1918 BAR rounds on weaker enemies.
Soutien. Main
Objet. Arme. Arme à feu.
Coût: 2. XP: 2.
Utilisations (6 munitions).
Dépensez 1 munition : Combattre. Vous infligez +1 dégât pour cette attaque.
Dépensez 1 ressource : renvoyez le Colt .32 dans votre main.

Cartes en relation
- .32 Colt (The Path to Carcosa #20)
No faqs yet for this card.
So one deck I've tried to get of the ground for a while now is Cho with boxing gloves and a weapon, bandolier style, My logic was always that cho often runs out of steam given each card in his deck basically only kills one enemy, adding a gun (or other reliable weapon) would give much more gas, the issue I always run into is this:
I have a .45 in play with 3 ammo, I then draw boxing gloves, what do?
A) If I keep the gun in play I lose out on the efficiency of getting draws when I kill.
B) If I play the boxing gloves (without waiting for bandolier) I lose three bullets that my deck has no way of getting back and sacrifice total killing power.
Now my collection has the colt (2), unlimited bullets on a card that can return to hand at any time, I think it solves both issues instantly to the point of probably just not bothering with bandolier at all.
And this probably works with any two handed big weapon, play the colt as soon as you can, when you need to play your big "thingie" you just bounce the colt, then you wait till you run out of ammo/spirit cards in your deck and just replay it.
what if you get near the game and you aren't out of spirit cards/ammo, well then, this card just became an overpower, and that's the worst it can ever be, which to me seems like a bargain for a card subclass characters can take.
Does anyone know what to do if you return it to your hand with upgrades attached? do you also return the attachments or discard them? Im thinking about a gun build with this with reliable and well prepared but dont know what to do when im "reloading"