

XP: 1.


Vous avez le droit d'attribuer Ténacité à un test de compétence depuis votre pile de défausse. Si vous le faites, mélangez-la dans votre deck, après la fin de ce test.

« Tout autre qu'un fermier flegmatique aurait perdu connaissance ou serait devenu fou... » - H.P. Lovecraft, La Couleur tombée du ciel
Tiziano Baracchi
The Feast of Hemlock Vale Investigator Expansion #118.


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This card functionally reads as "You get +1 skill value to 2 different tests" due to it being immediately available from the discard pile.

This means it will work wonderfully with anyone who cares about on-commit effects such as Minh Thi Phan (with her Analytical Mind), who already loves cards like A Glimmer of Hope. With Persistence, she essentially gets to commit it once for +2, then again for another +2! (The same can also be said for anyone using any variant of Grisly Totem).

It could also work in a Patrice Hathaway deck. She loves wildcard skills that allow her to improvise to whatever situation she finds herself in. Secondly, she loves cards that can be played from the discard pile, considering how quickly she goes through her deck.

It's a shame Winifred Habbamock can't take it, though.

snacc · 995
Ashcan Pete loves this card, it’s performed very well for me. Good fodder to ready Duke with while also giving you an extra boost for any test. I’ve been bringing this in mid campaign, it’s a great use of leftover experience for someone who can get extra use out of it. — bsj06a · 6
I dont,t think you can commit twice this card using Minh — Lucaspara · 10
I see this in Silas. — AlderSign · 309
@Lucaspara You misunderstood - I wasn't saying you can commit it twice to the same test. I was simply saying you can commit it again once it is in the discard pile (as it written on the card), and Minh's ability could give +1 on both (separate) instances. — snacc · 995

I've played this card in a couple of decks now, and while it's solid just as a recurring skill boost, it feels like the real powerhouse use is in Short Supply/Scavenging or Short Supply/Yorick decks.

Those decks often have a weird dip in power in the mid-late game, because with a little draw acceleration, you end up reshuffling your deck. This puts your weaknesses back into your card pool and cripples your recurrence. With Persistence however, you can consistently stop yourself from decking out, which lets you sit at your most powerful board state indefinitely.

ggiles · 453