
Monstre. Yithien.

Combattre: 4. Vie: 4. Échapper à: 3.
Dégât: 1. Horreur: 1.

Proie – Le moins de cartes en main.

Forcé – Quand l'Observateur Yithien vous attaque : défaussez 1 carte prise au hasard dans votre main. Si vous ne pouvez pas, l'Observateur Yithien inflige +1 dégât et +1 horreur pour cette attaque.

Victory 1.
Chun Lo
Boîte de Base #177. Agents de Yog-Sothoth #1-2.
Observateur Yithien


(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)
  • If you play a card while engaged with Yithian Observer, it will make an attack of opportunity against you and resolve its Forced ability, after you pay the cost of the card but before you resolve its effects or put it into play. If the ability makes you discard that card at random, you’ll end up having wasted resources without gaining anything in return.

  • If you play Dodge or Hypnotic Gaze on Yithian Observer's attack, it interrupts the initiation of the Forced effect and neither attack nor forced effect triggers.
Last updated


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