- You can only have 1 copy of your investigator's signature card in your deck. These cards have no level, which is different from having level 0, and the deckbuilding rules only allow you to add cards of level 0-5 to your main deck. (Note: Signature cards in the Core Set were accidentally misprinted using the same template as level 0 cards. Starting with The Dunwich Legacy deluxe, signature cards will be printed as cards with no level (e.g. Search for the Truth).
Coût: 1.
Deck de « Skids » O'Toole uniquement.
Rapide. À jouer après le début de votre tour.
Jusqu'à la fin du round, les ennemis non-Élite ne peuvent pas vous attaquer.

Cartes en relation
- On the Lam (All or Nothing #9)
- On the Lam (Revised Core Set #10)
(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)Reviews
The fact that this signature hasn't been reviewed in nearly ten years says quite a lot about it, I think. First, I'll highlight the good: It has some good icons. +2 to Will or Fight, +3 to Book or Foot, you can definitely use this card to help pass some important tests, or even to increase the odds of oversuccess, a Rogue staple.
But it's not a skill card, it's an event card. It's a cheap one, and it's fast, but its power is... not great. Compared to Trish's signature, Skids does not automatically disengage from anything, nor can he stop enemies from engaging with him. This means that if Skids is getting overwhelmed by enemies for some reason, this signature only delays being hit by them a round. That's still not without value (you could play this to cancel the Retaliate/Alert keyword, for example... but only in non-Elite enemies), but it makes the signature very conditional in its use. Furthermore, where Trish can proceed to move through a Monster-infested room, Skids will continue to engage anything in any new room he enters. This card's effect has some value, but it's just too situational. You could easily go a whole campaign without needing it, but rarely will you get through a scenario without ever thinking to yourself, "I wish I had just a couple more icons for this test".
So you basically might as well treat this as a slightly better Unexpected Courage. That's a fine concept in a lot of cases, but not for a signature card. Unless for some reason the various Rogue economy cards are unavailable to you, Skids will play much better with the advanced versions of his signatures instead.