A Strong Cup of Joe Diamond

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

FBones · 18704

I believe Joe Diamond may be the strongest investigator for 1- and 2-player campaigns given the current cardpool. This deck has lots of permanent combat boosts, action-saving clue-finding tricks, protection against locked doors, several generic skill cards in case you get weird, agility-heavy encounter decks, several cards to help get Milan out early (Eurekas + Preposterous Sketches + 1 No Stone Unturned), and even some extra padding to guard against bad luck (like 2 emergency caches just in case Milan does not show up early).

This sample is for a stand-alone (9 xp) adventure, assuming a 2-player setup.

In a 1-player game I would switch out a little of the clue-gathering for some stability (1 Prepared for the Worst) and horror soak (Kerosene) to ensure you can use Anatomical Diagrams. I'd also put in some Shortcuts in solo.


Mar 07, 2019 buzard · 1

All right now. Another FB deck. It's been a full year. Hopefully you will give Ms.Fern and Diana a look.

Mar 07, 2019 FBones · 18704

Yep. I'm playing Diana opposite Joe Diamond through Return to Dunwich, and they are stomping face. I'll post a deck with her sometime.

May 11, 2019 simongeorges · 241

With 6 starting sanity, isn't Anatomical Diagrams hard to play sometimes? I absolutely love this card, but apart from Rex Murphy / Daisy Walker, find it hard to play consistently. Is Logical Reasoning / Kerosene enough?

May 11, 2019 FBones · 18704

We were okay with Logical Reasoning (Actually never used Kerosene!) Between Higher Education and Diana's Protective Wards, Joe just never got much horror!