Sefina Arkham Nights 2018 V1

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

soakman · 25

This is an original deck built for Arkham Nights. It uses 29 xp and will include 2 additional basic weaknesses.

The idea is a Sefina that is able to avoid a lot of damage while providing damge as well. With Rite of Seeking and Lola Santiago, there should not be large difficulties with nabbing a clue or two (of course this requires getting them out).

Resource generation is high to allow Sefina to make use of High Roller and the additional copies of events. Uncage the soul and sacrifice helps a bit with this as well in the case that resources are very needed or shriveling and right of seeking are used up.

Quantum flux is present to cycle cards and strong events back into the deck while also avoiding weaknesses that may be lurking at the bottom of a quickly emptying deck (although this can also backfire with 4 weaknesses in the deck!)

Charisma is present to allow Sefina to search for painted worlds via Arcane Initiate while also making use of Cat Burglar's awesome ability and agility boost or Lola's fast clue gaining abilities.

NOTE: I only have 1 core, so I don't have access to a 2nd rosary or other core cards. Sefina will also likely be playing along side a Wendy who will be bringing 2 lockpicks and 2 flashlights.

Let me know what you think!

The three weaknesses drawn were Hypochondria, Silver Twilight Acolyte, and Chronophobia.