OMG, Not You Too, Sefina! (19 XP Grief Deck for GenCon 2018

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Saej · 3006

Well, I'm back again! If you didn't have enough fun with then you are in for a wild ride with Grief-ina. Sefina does lose some awesome grief cards like Shortcut, but gains a lot by having almost full access to Mystic and Rogue. 19 XP and we are good to go!

Let's go over Assets.

Knuckleduster so the hit does two damage to your friend while you just have to tank one hit from the bad guy. If the bad guy hits for sanity and your 'target' has low health, it works out! Don't use this on enemies that you can't tank a hit from. Durr.

Protective Incantation. Seal the Elder Sign and the +1. Done. Costs a lot, but we have tools for that later.

Shrivelling. This is just to protect yourself against enemies so you can go troll other gators without needing their help. Great for Ghouls, Rats, etc.

The Gold Pocket Watch. Which most would double the Enemy or Mythos Phase, I choose to skip the Investigator Phase. That way we get double Enemy Phase AND Mythos Phase! Win-win/Lose/lose!

Fine Clothes. Parley an important story asset and never bring it to the appropriate spot. Also a general soaker for damage/sanity.

Alyssa/David - GET DOOM! What better way to grief players than to take away turns?! Use Alyssa on whatever deck you choose but make sure to add the Doom to bottom it. David...just get mad money! To pay for Incantation.

Painkillers. Not a grief card, just used to keep you alive. So you can grief more. So maybe a grief card? I don't know, on to...

EVENTS! This is what Sefina is good at, so let's go through them.

"I'm outta here!" - Cause mass chaos, the leave. Seems good! Also good for evading enemies you want to leave for other investigators.

"You handle this one!" - I mean, do I even need to explain? Send bad treacheries to other players who can/can't handle them.

Delve Too Deep - If you are lucky enough to get this under Sefina during the 'hand draw' phase, you can Painted World this to get everyone to draw an encounter card and get nothing for it! Max grief.

Elusive - Get to where you need to to grief or get away from bad guys. Hopefully leaving those bad guys engaged with other investigators.

Emergency Cache and Hot Streak - Use this to pay for your cards but especially to pay for Incantation. Just money for money's sake.

Think on your Feet - When you are with another investigator, use this to pin an enemy on them and leave yourself free to grief others. Don't get tied down!

Time Warp - Use this to reverse tests where the investigator is BARELY passing or would only pass with an Elder Sign. They draw a good token? Make them redraw.

Ward of Protection - Just self-protection.

Almost lastly, Skills.

Double or Nothing - Commit this when you want to double the difficulty of an important test another investigator is taking. Useful for treacheries, combat versus a tough enemy, etc. Mess their day up.

Lastly, permanents.

Charisma - Just there so you can double down with Alyssa and David. Or! Parley an important story ally and still be able to rush the Agenda Deck with Doom.

I hope you have a solid group of friends when you play this as it will take a lot of friendly talking to keep those friends after you bring this deck to the table.

Happy scenario-ing! Please let me know via comments below how many fellow investigators you help send to their doom!


Jul 29, 2018 matt88 · 3093

Is this some kind of troll deck??

Jul 29, 2018 Saej · 3006

@matt88Yes. That is exactly what it is.

Jul 29, 2018 Scrubsby · 1

Can you provide a game summary if you end up using this, or the Jenny deck?

Jul 29, 2018 Saej · 3006

@ScrubsbyAbsolutely! I’m not going to GenCon but I’ll be at Arkham Nights.

Jul 30, 2018 ShoggothJoe · 1

This might be my favorite thing ever.

Jul 31, 2018 Starking177 · 1

These kind of decks are always why my guardian decks now have two copies of dynamite blast, which FYI I have used to off our Sefina player once, so be careful with a troll deck lest you get blown to bits :P. However this build is strikingly savage so good work.

Jul 31, 2018 Saej · 3006


Aug 01, 2018 Stebb · 2

hmmm, well under normal circs its hard enough to keep everyone alive without a saboteur BUT it is one of my favourite game mechanics in other games (there are otters.. honest!).. Perhaps played on easy with 2 trying to succeed and a one trying to disrupt might be fun... Maybe... or maybe just result in blood on the walls but then it is Arkham so to be expected.