Bibi's archaic glyphs+book of shadows+Dr Millan Christopher

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

unbutu · 1

2 knife

Upgrade en ordre: -2 Archaic glyphs +2 archaic glyphs (3XP) -2 perception +2 book of shadows (2 XP)

  • 2 clarity of mind +2 arcane insight (8xp) -2 fine clothes +2 Pathfinder

-2 no stone unturned +2 no stone unturned (10 nXP) ?-2 St. Huberts key +2 jewels of aureolus (6XP) ?-2 fine clothes +2 bulletproof vest (6XP) ??-2 painkillers +2 encyclopedia (4 XP)

si on roule dans l'XP, Dr William T Maleson qui annule encounter card avec Charisma

si manque charges sur Archgaic glyphs, enleve medical texts, remplace par n'importe quelle cycle card, utilise le hand (tome) slot pour le 2e book of shadows et +2charges par tour sur archaic glyphs