River tam experience

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Sledge · 1

Basic kill deck really more aimed around the handheld weapons, with the addition of bandolier this helps the thrashing and Leo de Luca provides an extra action for smashing face. I used one hard knocks and one physical training for added poke as good old river (zoey) gains spent resource back when engaging enemies wich then die and the circle continues. Smoking pipe is to keep her horror in check when fighting, first aid and emergency aid is for general healing as time goes on tho upgrade to elder sign soon. Dodge does what it says on the tin really keeps you from damage, taunt also needs no introduction on uses yay for resources and smashing. The usual cards dexterity, overpower and courage help pass tests n gain you cards hard to pass up really and vicious blow is again just extra smashing power.

Generally looks very good definitely 2+ player lol.