Jenny after clearing the museum

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

onetallwhiteguy7 · 2

So far the campaign is working out well with Jenny's ability to funnel resources into passing tests. Streetwise is probably the most handy card I have picked up since getting all the cards from the Dunwich expansions/mythos packs, and it has saved me multiple times (I also got rid of arcane knowledge, as streetwise is better in so many ways and I was mainly wanting arcane for investigation help; it's just all around better). Charisma saved me when I had to put 10 dmg from a treason card on my character, and Leo/cat burglar got sacrificed to get me through the last turn; with only 1 ally I wouldn't have been able to take that much dmg and it would have been over! Fortunately I only needed 1 more turn!