Daisy Walker - Arkham Nights 2024

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Gorger · 33

Hello Investiagtors,

next week I`ll attempt the Arkham Nights Event at my local Game Store. Here is my current Daisy List for that night. If you have any ideas for improvements please let me know.

Kind regards, Gorger


Mar 24, 2025 Thanee · 70

Hey Gorger!

Since you are playing in a group at the event, you do not really need that much in terms of fighting (others, that are better suited for the task, should be able to take care of that).

Therefore, I would drop Abyssal Tome (and spent those XP on your focus... better ways to get clues) and Moonlight Ritual.

You have Occult Lexicon, already, for some damage, and you can add 2x "I've got a plan!", if you want some more options.

I would put 2x Arcane Enlightenment in, so you have more ways of increasing your hand slots and do not have to get your Tote Bag for that.

You are also missing Shortcut, which is really nice.

I don't know about the two copies of Dream Diary. The researched one is amazing, but the regular one is just nice. I would drop that down to one copy.

True Understanding - just to make sure you understand how limited the options are to actually be able to use that one. I mean, sure, it can net you an extra clue, if it works, but you have to find something that you can actually use it for. Probably better to just pick something more solid, like Eureka! or Inquiring Mind.

And, finally, while Whitton Greene is nice, Dr. Milan Christopher is just so much better with the extra resource generation. You have that Old Book of Lore to get more cards and 2x Research Librarian to find your tomes, which should be enough.

Hope this helps. And most importantly... Have fun at the event! :)

Mar 24, 2025 Gorger · 33

Hello Thanee,

thanks a lot for your response. I really appreciate it.

I agree that the abyssal tome is too chunky. I will replace it for "I`ve got a plan" and the Moonlight Ritual for Shortcuts.

In my opinion Dream Diary is a great card and to be honest the main reason why I am playing Daisy. Having a free Unexpected Courage every turn is nuts.

I have never played True Understandig yet but want to give it a try. True it is very special but when it fires it is great!

I don`t know if Dr. Milan Christopher is a good additon when playing wit the taboo list because it takes at least 4 turns to get the spent resources back. But it nets more resources than Whitton Green for sure :-)

To be honest I dont like Arcane Enlightment because there is no need for more hand slots especially when cutting the Abyssal Tome. I think i would neither play the Tote Bag if i dont have to.

Do you have any thought`s how I should spent the 4 XP from the cutted Abyssal Tomes? One option is to play the 2XP Version of Ward of Protection but I would rather play something that helping on Investigating.

Thanks a lot for your feedback.

Kind Regards, Gorger

Mar 24, 2025 Thanee · 70

You could upgrade your Old Book of Lore (and maybe add in 2x Enraptured to get some extra uses out of it) or the Occult Lexicon, and with the last XP you could get Segment of Onyx or Eon Chart, or something like that.

Or you could add Miskatonic Archaeology Funding and then just get some more useful allies into the deck (like Dr. Milan Christopher, Dr. William T. Maleson , Laboratory Assistant, stuff like that).

Mar 25, 2025 Gorger · 33

Thanks a lot Thanee for your help. I have decided to upgrade the Old Book of Lore and change the Deck as followed: -2 Abyssal Tome; - 2 Moonlight Ritual +2 I have got a plan; +1 Shortcut; +1 Death XIII

Can`t wait for the Event. Wish me luck :-)

Mar 25, 2025 Thanee · 70

Those events are great fun! Good luck! ;-)