Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

edwardc · 24

The idea of this deck is very simple, Get as many Experience as you can per scenario, get all the cards that can upgraded to higher level - so that u can get the VALUE from arcane research and Down the Rabbit Hole - Cheese the difficulty and if you somehow get killed from an auto-fail...just pretend nothing happen, or blame your teammate

Since you would rage quit anyway once your character gets defeated, you might as well DOUBLE DOWN and get both CHARON'S OBOL AND THE GREAT WORK FOR THE SWEET SWEET 3 EXPERIENCES.

The ideal outcome - look for a scenario with an resign option

Play 2 copies of Delve Too Deep, and while your teammate is struggling to deal with the encounter, tell them you are outta here!

Just focus to play as safe as possible, and if your teammate complains about your lack of contribution, just assure them that you can contribute late game !

Some card choices

St. Hubert's Key to make your sanity goes really low to benefit from Say your Prayers

Liquid courage - because u will start the scenario with 3-4 horror (and from playing this deck)


Mar 04, 2025 Emmental · 129

Fake news, you are not gaining unlimited xp. In fact, you could even gain more xp every game if you played Refine and "Let God sort them out..." (and not counting shenaningans like Versatile'd Pelt Shipment).

True unlimited xp... that's possible, but probably not with Dexter. You need to use the Art of War (card not on arkhamdb yet) to reclaim "Let God sort them out..." from victory display, because the extra xp is not tied to the physical presence of the event in the victory display. All you have to do is play a scenario which can last indefinitely (for example, scenario 3A from TDE, or Constantinople in TSK) and cycle kill ennemies.