Daisy Walker simple deck with advanced packs (medium difficu

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Knightman · 1

A simple deck for the first game without complex cards. This deck has some problems, but it allows you to feel the tension in Arkham. Only for easy and medium difficulty

+1 Pathfinder [1] -1 (Shortcut [0] or Archaic Glyphs [0])

+1 Higher Education [3]

+2 Archaic Glyphs [3]/ Archaic Glyphs [3] -2 Shortcut [0] (or Archaic Glyphs [0])

+2 Deduction [2] -2 Deduction [0]

+1 Charisma [3] or Miskatonic Archaeology Funding [4] for any story characters or +1 Whitton Greene [2] -1 Delve Too Deep [0]

total: 19-20xp


+1 Cryptic Research [4] -1 Research Librarian [0]

+2 Mind over Matter [2] -2 Mind over Matter [0]

+1 Pathfinder [1] -1 Shortcut [0]