Actionless Factory Carolyn | Bless, Clue, Draw, and Resource

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

McJames · 73

Ever wanted to see Carolyn tap 5 assets in a row?


Wow, Carolyn has really powered up thanks to Scarlet Keys and Hemlock Vale to the point where Carolyn is in my opinion an A or even S tier investigator. At 13 experience (not counting in the Thick of It) she generates goodies every round while still having 3 actions to do whatever is needed. More EXP just makes the setup more consistent to where at 20 exp I can reliably get the Factory chugging in the first 3 rounds if not the first round.

Carolyn isn't scared of treachery cards in fact many times you want to fail them to draw a card and later on down get resources. Enemies can be annoying, but you have cards (Stick to the Plan - Toe to Toe/Dynamite) to deal with them in an emergency. Clues? Don't even get me started you can sometimes even outperform Seekers as you don't do tests you just get results.

I've played this deck a lot and its frighteningly consistent as all cards except for Astounding/Inspiring are decent in your opening hand. Research Librarian for example has 4 duties:

-Get Solomon or Psalms

-Target for 1/1 Spirit of Humanity/Draw 1 card with Empirical

-Gets Astoundings for you (either resources or secrets for Book of Psalms)

-Target for Calling in Favors --> another Astounding + Field Agent

Early Campaign rating (3/5)

Mid-Late Campaign rating. (5/5)

The Tap Factory

Get the following Assets in play: The Key of Solomon, Field Agent, Empirical Hypothesis, and Spirit of Humanity.

  1. ~Spirit of Humanity: (place 1 damage on Field Agent, 1 horror on Carolyn) you will add 2 bless tokens to the bag.
  2. ~Empirical Hypothesis: is set to "Trial and Error" so every time you take damage/horror you can add one evidence (I always just see it as draw 1 card, since you're going to be flinging resource/clue/damage/horror tokens everywhere so just make it simple and draw a card every time).
  3. ~Field Agent: Deal 1 horror to it, get 1 clue.
  4. ~The Key Of Solomon: You remove 1 of the bless token you added to target heal one card, so you heal the Field Agent its 1/1. Gain 1 resource.

So for 1 horror on Carolyn, you have: 1 resource, 1 draw, 1 bless token, and 1 clue all for no actions.

Advanced Factory

Once you get Hallowed Mirror you can also heal Carolyn and activate the other Agent with one action.

~Play Soothing Melody: Heal Carolyn 1 horror and the other Field Agent 1 horror: gain 1 clue, gain 1 resource, and draw 1 card.

~Field Agent: Assign it one horror get 1 clue.

You can offset the horror/damage from Spirit of Humanity with Research Librarian, Medical Student, Inspiring Presence, Book of Psalms and/or Hypotonic Therapy as well. And of course, if you need to do healing can just turn off the clue portion and heal someone with Key of Solomon. Often at this point you will have a lot of bless tokens in the bag hanging around, so I often find I don't even need to tap Spirit of Humanity to add bless tokens for emergency healing.


Keep cards:

  • Research Librarian
  • Empirical Hypothesis
  • Calling in Favors
  • Spirit of Humanity
  • The Key of Solomon

Depending on what your opening hand is you might want to keep certain things such as Medical Student + Calling in Favors.

First Round Setup (perfect)

5 resources, 3 actions

Hand: Spirit, Empirical, Libarian, and Calling in Favors/Field Agent

  1. SttP: Play Ever Vigilant --> Spirit of Humanity, Empirical, Research Librarian
  2. Play Key of Solomon ~Tap Spirit/Solomon (Do Spirit Heal for +2 curses, then remove 1 curse for +3 resources)
  3. Play Field Agent or Calling in Favors --> Field Agent

As you can imagine there are multiple ways to build the factory either by straight mulligan or getting a little lucky on the searches another example is if you have Medical Student + Calling in Favors --> Research Libarian --> Key of Solomon.

Upgrade Guide

Base deck link.

In the Thick of It:

Empirical Hypothesis- Trial and Error (1)

Field Agent (2)

Main Upgrade Path:

Scroll of Secrets --> Key of Solomon (4)

Perception --> Spirit of Humanity (2)

Stick to the Plan (6)

Emergency Cache --> Ever Vigilant (1)

Perception --> Spirit of Humanity (2)

Charisma (3)

Toe to Toe --> Field Agent (2)

Late Game Upgrades:

Charisma (3)

Dynamite Blast (3)

Deduction --> The Star (3)

Deduction --> Well Prepared (2)

Another Charisma allows you to play Student/Librarian with both Agents.

Dynamite Blast (3) gaining fast and -1 cost is well worth it.

Star/Well Prepared, at this point buffing your agents and Carolyn on things like Frozen in Fear/Crypt Chill is more important than chipping +1 clue one time.