Card draw simulator
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nak412 · 1
Tired of Wendy hyperlooping payoffs that do boring things like "win the game"? Try this.
You're a child. With a shotgun.
Use Black Market and Friends in Low Places to dig out key assets like Dirty Fighting, Pickpocketing, Track Shoes, Peter Sylvestre, and Lockpicks. Oh, and Wendy's Amulet of course.
Hold off enemies by evading them, drawing through your deck with Pickpocketing(2) and getting a clue here and there with Lockpicks (1).
Assemble Old Shotgun, Fight or Flight, and Sleight of Hand in your hand. Try not to play them too early unless you absolutely have to.
Rack up horror on Wendy, using Peter Sylvestre to avoid being defeated. Remember Abandoned and Alone is direct horror.
Once your deck is down to a few cards, the hyperlooping begins. Use Wendy's Amulet to feed your ultra-thin deck with copies of Fight or Flight, Sleight of Hand, and Cheat the System to pay for it all, adding Pilfers and Stir the Pots to the mix as needed. Trigger Pickpocketing here and there for extra draws and money. Do not reshuffle your deck.
With 5-6 horror on Wendy, each play of Fight or Flight gives her +5-6 combat and agility. Sleight of Hand then puts Old Shotgun into play with 2 ammo, fast. She can then fire the shotgun at 9-10 skill value, boosting up to 12 or 15 or 17 with some combination of a second Fight or Flight or Dirty Fighting triggers. With proper thin-deck management, you can do this every turn, outputting up to 9 damage per turn with both copies of Old Shotgun, both copies of Sleight of Hand, and Dirty Fighting.
All of this can get off the ground with well less than 20 xp.
Have fun. Happy hunting.