Carolyn Fern "Base line" deck.

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

aleanjir · 140

This deck is set up mostly for a solo run, spread thin to do everything by yourself even on hard.

With the timing of the skill, liquid courage gets you 2 resources if you heal 2 horror, so if you have to pump Will power to pass it's worth it, and is a must run with higher will allies like Zoey or a partner who has higher ed like Rex.

In a balanced team she can drop dynamite and one copy of I've got a plan (sticking the one under stick to the plan) and put in more encounter deck control or investigating cards.

After a scenario or 2 turn the delves into forewarned or ever viligent and path finder.

If your team needs a bit more clue gathering with not having a real seeker, can drop Peter for Milan and knowledge for deduction.

This deck list is mostly a general idea of the best cards she can run at 0 exp but without having a dedicated purpose.

But as you gain exp you'll specialize in healing horror, picking up a moment's respite and fearless lv 2. Her main strength is the ability to allow for linked campaigns. if you stop the ritual and she's the lead investigator, you can go to Dunwich with only 2 trauma on your allies and easily heal it off as you play, AND she'll make rougouru extremely easy as a horror tank.


Apr 06, 2018 tbigfish88 · 13

I don't think Liquid Courage gets you two resources if you heal 2 horror. It is just one card effect. Probably worth checking.

Apr 07, 2018 EarthRise · 9

I feel like Liquid Courage does result in two resources for Carolyn. The key word in the card text being “then”. It’s two individual horror heals. That’s how I read it, anyhow.