Shotgun Diplomacy (23XP version)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

dth · 30

How this deck plays;

  1. Pick Custom Modifications, Prepared for the Worst and Emergency Cache for Stick to the Plan.

  2. This should give you a good start for resources and a chance at pulling a weapon (preferably one of the three firearms).

  3. With Becky or Shotgun in play, you can use Custom Modifications to increase that very limited ammo.

  4. Ancestral Token, Spirit of Humanity and Keep Faith generate . Favor of the Sun plus Ancient Covenant get the best use out of those tokens.

With Favor of the Sun and Ancient Covenant, you should have an automatic 9 skill strike on an enemy with a Shotgun (once per turn). The Shotgun deals damage equal to the difference in fight values, which will take out most enemies.

  1. Venturer gives additional ammo and pairs well with Spirit of Humanity. Put the damage from SoH onto Venturer to generate bless tokens. Then when Venturer is killed, Tommy generates 4 resources and recycles Venturer back into the deck.

This play pattern is the same for Ancestral Token, Something Worth Fighting For and True Grit.

Using those cards can give Tommy a truly inhuman amount of damage soak.