William Yorick - take an old gun and make it better

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

SaturdayNightWizard · 101


Hey, Jude. Take an old gun and make it better.

I wanted to make a deck based around the Old Hunting Rifle. The outcome uses cards with the Upgrade trait, which, when themselves are upgraded, become fast and have some nice synergy with Act of Desperation.

The idea(s):

With a little XP, you can add some fast Upgrade trait cards to your deck, like Reliable and Custom Modifications, so that each time you discard your weapon, and get the Upgrades back with Well-Maintained, you can go ahead and attach upgrades to your weapon again, without wasting any actions. Note that Well-Maintained does not return itself, however.

For example, once it's jammed or empty, Act of Desperation will let you throw your Old Hunting Rifle away, as well as get your money back; during this process, Well-Maintained will trigger and give you your weapon and other upgrades back; so, if you think you are going to kill an enemy with this action, you can commit the gun to the test for the extra Strength icon, and Yorick's ability will let you replay the Old Hunting Rifle once the process ends. If you are not going to kill anyone, you can keep the gun and try and dodge the enemy using Tennessee Sour Mash, Stray Cat (or one of the other such cards in the deck) and re-equip the rifle later. Once the Old Hunting Rifle is re-equipped, you can add all the fast Upgrades to it again, which, like I mentioned, should be back in your hand thanks to Well-Maintained triggering previously. Furthermore, if you play Resourceful during the Act of Desperation Fight action, you can get the Act of Desperation card back afterwards, too. The Eucatastrophe is there for insurance, just so the cycle of death can repeat itself - well, a few times anyway! Huzzah!

Upgrades (very roughly):

Other thoughts:

Incidentally, I believe you can fire a Warning Shot from your jammed rifle, and Oops! also triggers when your gun jams.

Hope you enjoy! :)


Dec 16, 2023 screamingabdab · 98

"Act of Desperation will let you throw your Old Hunting Rifle away, as well as get your money back; during this process, Custom Modifications will trigger and give you your weapon and upgrades back; so, if you think you are going to kill an enemy with this action, you can commit the gun to the test for the extra Strength icon, and Yorick's ability will let you replay the Old Hunting Rifle once the process ends."

I think you're missing something here. Custom Modifications doesn't give you your weapon and upgrades back. What gun are you comitting to the test?

The biggest issue with this deck is that Well Maintained doesn't return itself, so you only get to replay your upgraded gun twice (baring Elder Sign recursion) each scenario.

Having just played an Old Hunting Rifle Yorrick through RttCU I can tell you that you'll need more ways to fight than just 2 guns :) try getting Improvised Weapon or Brute Force into the deck.

Also Heavy Furs are flat out better than Leather Jacket if you're playing Old Hunting Rifle, because it will jam on that critical attack.

Dec 16, 2023 SaturdayNightWizard · 101

Hey @screamingabdab! Thanks for the great feedback. I appreciate it. I modified the typo in the text; I meant Well-maintained, not Custom Modifications. Also, I did have 2x Scrounge for Supplies in there originally, instead of 2x Oops! - I think that change would address the concern you raise. Your also right about the Furs, but I just don't like to dress like a bear on the streets of Arkham :)

Dec 16, 2023 SaturdayNightWizard · 101

Made the modifications here: arkhamdb.com

Thanks again for the feedback!

Dec 16, 2023 SaturdayNightWizard · 101

Ah, wait. Scrounge for Supplies wouldn't work, because It's not a level 0 card. Oh, well, at least you can still get your upgrades back 4 times with Eucatastrophe. That's not bad, if you're lucky, I guess.