Lola Hayes fighter 1.0

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

mimicspider · 9

part 2 of my lola hayse deck my first one was lola hayse seeker deck for clues now this is for monsters. what i usually do is get set up with runic axe and beat cop and fill my other slots then i play dark horse and don't get supplies so i stay at 0 and if i need something played then i tey and play it by getting supplies bye using actions and play it when theres no enemy's if you get beat cop runic axe and dark horse out you get 4 4 5 (6 with axe 8 with the accuracy inscription.) 4 then my upgrade path is spending xp to level up the axe by getting the upgrade that lets you spend one charge to get 2 inscriptions to help with fighting.

please leave ideas to help make me make my lola decks better so maybe lola might not be a very bad investigator.

dorry if this was all hard to read