Live Fast, Die Young

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

TreeKing · 26

For League of Friends Dream Eaters Campaign

Deck Playstyle: The general premise of your deck is to leverage your high foot stat to defeat enemies. Normally evading enemies just delays the issues you'll have with them by 1 turn, but with Rita's ability, and some of the more recent cards, your 3 Fight stat is really not as much of an issue as it looks.

To start, Rita's ability gives you free damage when an enemy is evaded. You start with a 5 in Agility, so this should be pretty easy to accomplish. So you can pretty effectively deal 1 damage reliably to any enemy. For enemies with more than 1 health, you have a couple events that can leverage your Agility in fight tests. Sweeping Kick is the best one, and Cheap Shot is another. Both will let you add your Agility to a fight test, giving you a base of 8. Both also automatically evade the enemy on a success, which triggers Rita's ability.

The all star of this deck is Dirty Fighting. You want to find this ASAP, and I would even go so far as to full mulligan for it. This allows you to immediately fight any enemy you evade, and gives you +2 to ANY fight action against an exhausted enemy. This makes even your basic fights a base of 5, which is really good. Because of the free attack after evading, you don't even really lose actions doing it. One thing to keep in mind about this free fight, is it does NOT need to be a basic fight. Any weapon or event you have with the bolded Fight word can be used in response to this.

The two weapons I've started you out with both give you +2 to fight, which means even without Dirty Fighting, you're still pretty well off at dealing with enemies. But I would still prioritize evading first to make use of Rita's ability.

Other cards in your deck are there to either: get money, get cards, or get skill values. Anything not listed above is not super core to your deck, and you are free to upgrade out of those once you get experience. Below you can find some suggestions on what to buy with that experience, though feel free to go with what excites you.

Good General Upgrades:

  • Dirty Fighting (2) (second copy) - you can only have one of these in play at a time, but it's such a good card and so core to your deck you should consider getting a second copy just for consistency. Just pitch the second copy to a fight test once you draw it.
  • Sweeping Kick (1) (second copy) - It's one of the best events you can get with Rita.
  • Cheap Shot (2) - lowers the threshold for auto-evade, and can get the card back into your hand, so you can use it every turn if you test high enough
  • Crafty (3) - gives you money/skill bumps to any Trick you use, which is like 75% of how you fight with this deck (Dirty Fighting is a Trick,). Also works on Tools, which Shovel and Chainsaw fall under.
  • Easy Mark (1) - myriad, so you pay 1 exp for all 3 copies. Gets you more money and churns through your deck faster so you can get to Dirty Fighting quicker if you don't find it first turn.
  • Peter Sylvestre (2) - Gives you +1 Willpower, makes you more resilient to the encounter deck effects
  • Oops! (3) - pretty decent card to just have in hand. When you fail a fight, you can have the enemy hit itself (or another enemy at the location). Do keep in mind only the damage value matters, not the horror value on the enemy.
  • Tennessee Sour Mash (3) - gives you a good fight with another auto evade opportunity against non-elites

Weapon Upgrades:

  • Hyperphysical Shotcaster (0+) - if you want a good reliable weapon for when you don't want to evade, this is the one. Buy it when you have 2 xp to add the "Railshooter" customization to let you fight with your Agility!
  • Chainsaw (4) - one of the best survivor weapons. Functions kind of like Derringer, where you can refund failed attempts. Downside to this is it takes up 2 hands so you can't hold the Multi-Tool+weapon, but you m.
  • .18 Derringer (2) - adds extra ammo, and reduces cost, which is pretty nice considering you don't have a ton of money.
  • Both Ornate Bow (3) and Enchanted Bow (2) let you fight with your foot, if you want to feel like an archer. However both have the same downside as Chainsaw in that they take 2 hands.
  • Fire Extinguisher (1/3) - Pretty decent upgrade to Shovel if you're looking for one. Less fist stat, but once you have Dirty Fighting in play this can be a pretty good weapon. Gives you a free evade as well to trigger your ability on.

Weird Stuff There's a new card type in Survivor called Dilemmas where you essentially automatically play them when they're drawn, and they give you a choice of two effects with downsides. The two that you might consider if you want something spicy are:

  • At a Crossroads (1): basically I would use this to have someone lose an action and draw 3, which is a pretty good trade off.
  • Heed the Dream (3): can lead to a bad situation, but could also get everyone a key piece of their kit if you get lucky. Do no recommend this if multiple decks really want a specific card like yours does with Dirty Fighting though. If those cards got into separate piles it would feel really bad.
  • Ace in the Hole (6) - could be a fun YOLO card, but not really core to your deck most of the time
  • Eucatastrophe (3) - turns any failed test (including auto fail) into a super star. Can help you guarantee you pass an important test, or allow you to use your ability more than once a turn.
  • The Fool 0 (3) - a tarot card that can reduce the cost of one card a turn by 1. There are probably better economy cards, but this has good long term value if you can get it in your opening hand, which might not be a stretch if you are full muliganing for Dirty Fighting anyway.