Local Old Man Ruins Everything (0 EXP)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Telosa · 52

Note: In the Thick of It can be used to start with a copy of Astronomical Atlas (replacing Mind over Matter or Written in the Stars. However, Norman doesn't need Astronomical Atlas to function in Scenario 1. Occult Lexicon can be used as a placeholder in Scenario 1 to help with combat.

Experience Roadmap (0 - 20 EXP):

1) 1x Mind over Matter + Occult Lexicon --> 2x Astronomical Atlas (6 EXP)

2) 1x "I've got a plan!"" + 1x Written in the Stars --> 2x Foresight (2 EXP)

3) 1x Heavy Furs + Written in the Stars --> 2x Foresight (2 EXP)

4) 1x Practice Makes Perfect + 1x Written in the Stars --> 2x Divination (2 EXP)

5) 1x Eureka! + 1x Refine --> 2x Ghastly Possession (2 EXP)

6) 2x Divination (2 EXP) --> 2x Divination (6 EXP)

Refine Targets (Summoned Servitor):

Wings of Night --> Eyes of Flame / Dominance --> Daemonic Influence.

Mulligan Priorities

-- Livre d'Eibon

-- Astronomical Atlas

-- Research Librarian (to tutor for Livre / Atlas. Astounding Revelation will trigger during the search to refund the cost and help thin out your deck).


Jun 14, 2023 Clueless · 1

In Experience Roadmap I assume only one of (2) or (3) should upgrade to Foresight.. What do you recommend for the other upgrade?

Jul 04, 2023 rleduc · 1

I'm a beginner, but having fun with this deck!

In the campaigns where I am using this deck, I dropped Guts for Fearless (2) rather than Guts (2). Might consider starting with Fearless instead, depending on the campaign. The draw of the deck seemed pretty good without the extra card or two from Guts.

Not 100% sold on Divination; a fair bit of cost/actions to get the extra clues compared to the standard trying to cycle divination with the Livre and Atlas. When Divination works, it has worked, but whether you get the resources and actions to play all of that is not always in the cards.

In practice so far playing 1 copy of the Atlas has been sufficient (4-player). So I ended up up dropping Occult lexicon and Arcane Enlightenment; I kept two Atlas's to get one early or as a replacement if an asset gets lost, but didn't need the extra slots once you're not playing the Lexicon. Of course, two Atlas's each with a Divination would be pretty nice, but there's only one Livre to cycle them.