The Daddy Yankee Special

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Burndad · 1

How to Play

  • Always mulligan for item assets turn 1 (Schoffner's catalog can further discount cards combined with Geared Up)
  • Always make sure you have a backup weapon in hand or in the discard pile that you can grab (preferably in hand)
  • if running low on cash grab a Rabbit's foot or Cherished keepsake when procing Yoricks ability
  • Upgraded beat cop takes care of health issues, cherished keepsake takes care of horror (yoricks major weakness)
  • bandages plus beat cop(2xp) is INSANE
  • Get other players to run shortcut and upgraded shortcuts (movement can be another big weakness)
  • Use flashlight and look what I found for clue finding. Emergency cash (3xp) can give you reloads on weapons or flashlight to keep flexible with scenario needs.

XP Priority (hightest to lower) -Beat Cop (2xp) x2

  • Vicious blow (2xp) x2
  • Relic Hunter (3xp)
  • Emergency cache (i like one of each type for reload and then 1 for card draw)
  • Key of Ys (insane card)