Nomadic Norman

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

dotsandwaves · 8

This is a multiplayer Norman who does best paired with a more combat focused investigator, but who can hold his own in a pinch.

Mulligan Guide

Norman's baseline is to have some combination of Livre d'Eibon, Sword Cane, or Grim Memoir/Astronomical Atlas in play at all times. Keep only these or search enabling cards (Whitton Green and Eureka!) in your opening hand, mulligan away everything else.

General Strategy

The idea for this Norman is to get Whitton Green in play, then get moving. Whitton's search criteria will hit Livre d'Eibon, Sword Cane, and Grim Memoir/Astronomical Atlas.

Whitton Green will motivate you to move around the board. Use Shortcut to help activate her more consistently (can swap Shortcut for The Truth Beckons, though I like Shortcut because it is fast and free). Drop Gates to open up paths. This is mostly for fun and not always for precise strategy. If a Gate is on top of your library, it is free with Norman's ability (and fast, saving you an action).

Sword Cane, "I've got a plan!", and Mind over Matter will help you deal with enemies if you stray too far from your muscle when you're out looking for tomes and relics with Whitton Green.

Arcane Enlightenment will let you hold Livre d'Eibon, Sword Cane, and Grim Memoir/Astronomical Atlas at the same time.

Eureka! will help you grab things Whitton Green can't, like Arcane Enlightenment. It will also help you find Whitton if she wasn't in your opening hand.

Quantum Flux is a failsafe reset button to help you get back cards you discarded to Written in the Stars, failed tests with Astronomical Atlas, and general scenario/treachery cards. Once reset, rip through your deck again with Whitton Green and Eureka!.


Written in the Stars + Deduction: Grab up to 6 clues on your turn
Astronomical Atlas + Livre d'Eibon: Infinitely cycle cards to commit to tests

Upgrade Path