Scooby Doo & the Gang Meet Cthulhu

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Lonfiction · 13

Ongoing Build just to have fun with the idea of a Scooby and Shaggy Meet Cthulhu deck. Currently uses only Dunwich Legacy and Core. (Waiting till Carcosa is more near complete before playing it or using the cards.) This build has so far been fun to play and a neat balancing act of running around the board and letting the Fred Velma and Daphne stand ins soak damage and then show back up fully healed next scene just like in the cartoons!

Soon as you can, upgrade a Cunning Distraction and a Look What I Found! into a Charisma and a Scrappy--err, Scrapper-- for when the jock, art student, and lab assistant shielding you from hits isn't enough and you need to fight back some.

Next upgrade is trading in the other Cunning Distraction or one of the Leather Coats for a Bait & Switch for either Close Call or Fire Extinguisher.

When or if desired, trade in one of the splash cards: Peter Sylvestre or Art Student for a Delve Too Deep or a Lone Wolf. The Chance Encounters and Charisma will more than keep you flush in friends to take your damage for you while you mostly run screaming from everything. A second Delve Too Deep may be nice to help drive a Flare exile and rebuy engine as you get near the end.