Wendy and Chuck throw traps out of the car

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

acotgreave · 834

This deck was built for Horror In High Gear challenge scenario, but would succeed in any scenario where hunters follow a predictable path (Carnevale, War of the Outer Gods, lots of Forgotten Age scenarios, etc).

It's main purpose: lay traps to entangle enemies as they pursue you.

Makeshift Trap is the workhorse here, and you're going to get it back in your deck with Resourceful. I put a lot of XP in it, but the Net and Explosive Device are incredibly powerful. They lock non-Elites in place and then blow them up.

Snare Trap and Under Surveillance do similar jobs with reduced power.

Chuck Fergus makes all of these cheaper to play.

The rest of the deck is standard Rogue/Survivor staples, really.

But - if you want a deck that deals with enemies that are in pursuit, this will do the job.