Tony Morgan, after surviving Antarctica (29XP)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

DerBK · 1916

This is the deck that i ended up with for my Highlander Shotgun Tony after surviving(!) my blind play of Edge of the Earth. Was partnered up with Patrice who did the investigating, so this deck focuses on killing stuff.

level zero Tony:
29XP Patrice:

Let's get one thing out of the way:
Old Shotgun > Lupara > Sawed-Off

Or in other words, the fewer XP the shotgun costs, the better it is. At least in this deck i was able to work the Old Shotgun really well and supply it with ammo to keep dishing out 3 damage hits. Really great. On the other side of the spectrum, the Sawed-Off did do some things as well, but couldn't be relied on at all. There were a few unfortunate whiffs that soured me a lot on the weapon. And without Bruiser on the table it's almost dead weight. Lupara is great, but of course only in the turn it comes down.

So, this isn't really all that great of a deck in the end. It did make the Old Shotgun work and that's what i set out to do, so i am satisfied with that. But it's certainly not a particularly worthwhile approach to Tony who can use other weapons for much better results.

Something that worked massively in my favor here was Underworld Support. The Edge of the Earth campaigns massively starves your decks for XP, so getting more out of each upgrade you do is great. It's not like i could've afforded second copies of any of my cards anyways.

If i were to do something like this again, i'd start by dropping the Holster and the Sawed-Off and finding something more worthwhile to throw my XP at. Maybe Charisma and another high impact ally.