Smoke and Mirrors

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

mattygross · 2

I published this before the Edge of the Earth cards were out. This is a shell to upgrade into a strength Dexter build using:

Cyclopean Hammer Blur Fur Robes

The idea is Lonnie Ritter + Fur Robes giving a huge amount of tankiness. What can we do with that strength pip and that tankiness? Abuse cyclopean hammer! The set up upgrades out of the few skills to add in a Geas and max out strength + will at 10.

We add in a garrote wire for free action attack at strength 6/7 to help clean up enemies and compress actions.

Daring Maneuver comes in when we have 2/4 xp in order to push alchemical transmutation to nutty levels or ensure pickpocketing + hammer procs.

upgrades: all spells and pickpocketing geas garrote wire blood pact daring maneuver

possible questions: Does deck generate enough $$? Does deck draw enough to get rolling?