Tommy sniper

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

-V- · 7

An attempt to make an Guardian who can engage combat enemies close or far, and make sniper viable.

Variant: replace police badge+1Unexpected Courage with 2xReliable


Apr 21, 2021 stardust · 9

Fun concept but i'm a bit confused, there's no Firearms that take up two-hand slot for the Telescopic Sight

Apr 21, 2021 JackRayder · 1


Apr 21, 2021 stardust · 9

But that's one card, doesn't seem very consistent. And there's no Prepared for the worst to tutor it

Apr 21, 2021 Myriad · 1217

I am a fan of Tetsuo here. He lets you shoot into melees with other gators and assign the damage to him if he dies. As such, it creates some interesting situations.

I think you are missing out on an important set-up card for a sniper build which is something, anything to let you or a friend get out of harms way so you can take the shot.

Given Tommy's access to survivor, I would probably take hiding spot or warning shot so you can set up situations to use your rifle a little more.

May 20, 2021 -V- · 7

This build was made for a one [shot -War of the Outer Gods] a friend was running.

During that run, I noticed: 1) Economy. Basics werent bad, but took 1/2 the game to set things up and running nicely. This isnt a sniper gimmick build per se, so no sniper (nor even Becky..) still worked out fine as the other weapons/cops functioned. After 2/3 of the game 2xscopes and some luck pulling Tetsuo over and over ended resource desperation. Actions not spent moving (yay scopes) were used for resources too.

2) During the big boss fight, acting as support combatant was more useful than main combatant. Scope ability to pick off nuisances / encounters (links) you dont want near anyone [ and tanking others (when possible) was very nice.

Could have contributed to big boss fight (machete, dogs/cops) , but others were much better suited. This character peaked mid game and is definitely support.