Akachi Onyele - The Path to Carcosa Cycle - Spirit Walker

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Siathryn · 156

Akachi's deck is trying to use her ability with charges as much as possible. Sadly, some of the best uses for this have to wait until she has xp to upgrade. You mainly want to play her focusing on getting her Willpower stat raised as this is key to her deck. She can also do a little manipulation of the Encounter deck, and in a pinch you can always use "Drawn to the Flame" to get those desperately needed clues.

As she may be taking more Horror than you'd like, Akachi has several allies like "Arcane Initiate" and "David Renfield" that you can discard when they are no longer useful (especially since they will collect Doom on them). She does have "Fearless" to get rid of some of the Horror, so don't worry too much.

For her opening hand you want some sort of Combat spell, "Holy Rosary" and preferably "Arcane Initiate" and "Arcane Studies". It also wouldn't hurt to find "Uncage the Soul" early to keep your resource costs down.

Possible Upgrades:

Book of Shadows (3xp) - Extra arcane slot and adding charges to the spells you have? Sign me up.

Suggestion (4xp) - Great boost to her Evade skill and the chance to just cancel attacks.

Arcane Insight (4xp) - If you need to help out with Investigation then this card is a must as it lowers location shroud values.

Grotesque Statue (4xp) - Manipulate the Chaos Bag to your advantage.

Spirit Athame (1xp) - This is good replacement for the Knife.


Sep 24, 2021 yoyyomismo · 1

Looks cool! Probably try it for a Carcosa campaign :)