Sefina Rousseau - The Path to Carcosa Cycle - The Otherworld

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Siathryn · 162

Sefina loves having all her options open. While you can't mulligan with her you do get more cards in your opening hand and can put useful or situational Events easily within her reach so you don't have to go hunting through her deck for them.

As for her abilities, well....Sefina prefers to use alternate ways of doing things. Using Willpower or Evasion to get by her enemies, and then quietly get rid of them. Or avoid them altogether with "Scrying". With her resource generation she can also further boost any of her stats. And because she runs the risk of running out of cards in her deck she has "Quantum Flux" to make sure it never happens.

You don't really have much choice for her opening hand, so I've included equal numbers of assets and events so give you a variety of options.

Possible Upgrades:

Spirit Athame (1xp) - This is great card for Sefina as you can boost her spell cards or just use it's Combat action.

Lockpicks (1xp) - Very useful investigation tool may never run out.

Hot Streak (4xp) - The faster you can gain resources, the faster you can kick off some of her cards.

Sneak Attack (2xp) - Directly damaging enemies...why would you ever say no to this?