Here To Pray and Do Murder

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

slyjeff · 502

3/4 player use First Watch 2 player should probably sub in "Let Me Handle This".

She came to town to hear the voice of God and kill the unrighteous. . . and God stopped talking.

This is a deck all about engaging and murdering enemies.

With lots of items she can find what she need quickly with the backpack, and then replace it with a Bandolier so she can wield all the blades at once.

Machete and Meat Cleaver are extra damage attacks without ammo, Trench Knife allows for free engages without attacks (which Zoey loves, for her Cross and resources), and Survival Knife gives her extra attack actions.

Of course, Riot Whistle will allow her extra actions to engage, Safeguard (2) will let her take enemies when other investigators move into dangerous locations, and First Watch will allow her to grab all the enemies that will spawn in a round; once she has all the enemies she is free to do all the murder that faith requires.

She doesn't mind taking the hits, as the more murder she does fills up the Empty Vessel and can heal her back to full with a few spooky tokens.

For her splash, Meat Cleaver fits the theme of blades, while Not Without A Fight benefits from being engaged (as this deck is wont to do), and Storm of Spirits is fun when all the enemies are out.