Ashcan / Chasing the dragon with Duke on the road to Carcosa

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Guiguiz · 26

I'm not an expert in deckbuilding and i still have a lot to learn about that but this is one of my first try for the Carcosa campaign that i completed today. I just tried few time the two first scenarios in order to don't get frustrated to can't do what's following.

So i made a very basic dark horse deck with Labranche / Dark Horse / Fire Axe trinity. I added Magnifying Glass for clues and " Look What i found " and Lucky. In order to manage ennemies in selected The leather coat and the bear.

A lot of skills to ensure some tests ( i play in standard ). Voilà

What i'm a bit worried about is that i don't have a real escape in my deck. Let's see what happen

I'm planning to take Charisma asap and cumulate Mamie Labranche and Pedro Sylvestro