"Ashcan" Pete Tutorial

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

CaoJin · 119

"Ashcan" Pete: Survivor

A Jack of all trades style investigator that offers lots of flexibility and adaptability on the fly, Pete's greatest Asset is his trusty good boi Duke who despite being an Ally, does not take up his ally slot, Keep him safe!

This deck will appear strange as it relies on "Dark Horse" and as such once set up, you will want to get rid of all of your money...embrace the hobo... Most cards in this deck are low resource cost to play for this reason.

A note on survivors: Survivor cards are usually very situational for effects, but they all have great icons on them for committing to skill tests, every card is useful in a number of situations. They usually have some effects that even trigger on failure or allow you to take a test again with a bonus etc, survivors tend to be the more advanced of the classes but that doesn't mean they are more powerful.


  • Pete's combat score is low on his own, but he can exhaust Duke to fight with base skill 4 and deal an additional damage if successful.
  • For times Duke is not available, the Fire Axe is your best friend, dump money into it to increase your hit chance and it deals extra damage when you have no money.
  • Commit Inspiring Presence to heal damage and horror from Duke or another Ally.
  • Dark Horse bonuses also effect Duke's ability tests.
  • Oops can either be committed for +2 combat or you can use it after a failed attack to deal your attack to a different enemy at that location.
  • Use lucky if you fail an attack to retake the test with +2 to your skill.
  • Fieldwork gives The first combat after you move +2 to hit.


  • Pete's Intellect is low on his own but he can exhaust Duke to investigate at base 4. This investigation can be at either his current location or you can move for free and investigate that location.
  • Use flashlight to lower shroud for Investigations using Pete.
  • "Look What I found" can either be committed to a test for +2 Intellect or used after a failed investigate to get 2 clues for free.
  • Use lucky if you fail a skill test to retake the test with +2 to your skill.
  • Use Sixth Sense to investigate with high Willpower instead of lower Intellect.
  • Dark Horse increases all of your stats by 1 if you have no cash,
  • Arcane Studies allows you to sink money into both of your investigating stats to activate Dark Horse as well as granting bonuses for money spent.
  • Discard Moonstone using Pete's ability to equip it and ready Duke to use him again.


  • This exhausts all of your assets and prevents them from being readied up to use, to remove this just spend two actions.