Ursula, 3P, Standard, The Forgotten Age

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Voltgloss · 358

Scenario I: The Untamed Wilds - Resolution 1

  • The investigators cleared a path to the Eztli ruins
  • Alejandro chose to remain at camp
  • The investigators have earned Ichtaca's trust
  • Yig's Fury = 0 [Vengeance 0]
  • Experience = 2 [Victory 2]
  • Ursula identified the Strange Solution

Interlude I: Restless Nights

  • Tossing and Turning (+1 mental trauma)
  • Low on Rations (-3 resources next scenario)
  • The Poison Spreads (+1 physical trauma)

Scenario II: The Doom of Eztli - Resolution 1

  • The investigators recovered the Relic of Ages
  • The Harbinger is still alive [damage 0]
  • Yig's Fury = 9 [3 from investigator defeat + Vengeance 6]
  • Experience = 4 [Victory 4]
  • Defeated by damage (+1 physical trauma)
  • Ursula translated the Archaic Glyphs

Interlude II: Expedition's End

  • The investigators gave custody of the relic to Harlan Earnstone
  • Alejandro is continuing his research on his own

Scenario III: Threads of Fate - Resolution 1

  • The investigators listened to Ichtaca's tale
  • The investigators found the missing relic
  • The investigators rescued Alejandro
  • The investigators forged a bond with Ichtaca
  • Experience = 6 [Victory 3 + bonus 3]

Scenario IV - The Boundary Beyond - Resolution 1

  • 3 paths are known to the investigators
  • Ichtaca has confidence in us
  • The Harbinger is still alive [0 damage]
  • Yig's Fury = 10 [Vengeance 1]
  • Experience = 4 [Victory 1 + bonus 3]

Interlude III: The Jungle Beckons

  • Out of Gas [no mulligans next scenario]
  • A Path Discovered [the investigators mapped the way forward]
  • Faith Restored [Ichtaca's faith is restored]

Scenario V-A: Heart of the Elders, Part 1 - Resolution 1

  • The jungle watches [no Vengeance in victory display]
  • Experience = 6 [Victory 6]

Scenario V-B: Heart of the Elders, Part 2 - Resolution 1

  • The Harbinger is still alive [0 damage]
  • Yig's Fury = 10 [no Vengeance these scenarios]
  • Experience = 3 [Victory 3]
  • Ursula identified the Ancient Stone [6]

Scenario VI: City of Archives - Resolution 1

  • The process was perfected
  • Experience = 12 [Victory 8 + bonus 4]

Interlude IV: Those Held Captive

  • Forever Lost [Alejandro is set against you]
  • The Way Is Shut [no mulligan next scenario]
  • Low on Rations [3 fewer resources next scenario]
  • Tossing and Turning [+1 mental trauma]

Scenario VII: The Depths of Yoth - Resolution 2

  • Experience = 6 [Victory 1 + depth 5]

Scenario VIII: Shattered Aeons - Resolution 1

  • +2 physical and +2 mental trauma
  • Experience = 8 [Victory 3 + bonus 5]
  • The investigators win!!

Total trauma: 4 physical, 4 mental

Supplies remaining: Map, Compass, Pocketknife