AnA: Diamonds are Forever (Blood on the Altar)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Ian_MB · 4041

This deck is used as part of the Abandoned and Alone video series, a Mythos Busters production. I only had 2 xp going into Blood on the Altar, that I used to buy a single copy of Shortcut II, with the idea that I could use it at the end of the scenario to clear out the Chamber of clues.

Scenario Notes:

  • The House Always Wins (R2): O'bannion gang has a bone to pick. Rescued Dr. Morgan.
  • Extracurricular Activity (R2): Professor Warren Rice was kidnapped. The students were rescued.
  • Interlude 1: Rescued Dr. Henry Armitage.
  • Miskatonic Museum (NR): Failed to recover the Necronomicon.
  • Essex County Express (R1)

Campaign Mechanic Notes:

Chaos Bag:

  • -3

Misc. Investigator Notes:

  • "Identified the solution"

Earned Weaknesses:

  • Psychosis (Basic Weakness)

Earned Assets:

  • Dr. Henry Armitage


Notable Moments: