Lola Hayes’ Pumped Up Kicks

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

l33tspaniard · 1

I like building weirdly themed Lola decks when bored, so when the DttF Finish the Deck challenge was posted with Lola as the subject, it had to be done. The idea is to use all five of the core set skill boost assets and zero passive stat boosts.

Lola just wants to run like hell forever. Stay in mystic, seeker, rogue. Pump will/agility while in mystic/rogue to avoid monsters and the encounter deck. Investigate in seeker and use Mr. Rook to fish out your weaknesses at convenient times (no resources or relevantly colored assets). Double or nothing + watch this + flashlight for money and clues. Fine clothes because this deck is made for Carcosa. Swap to Mirror if you want, or adapt into it once the party is over. If you want to go taboo (why) replace Elusive with survival instinct or a .32 or a switchblade.

I think it could do alright solo. Probably better off with a murder-y partner.