"What do you mean, "counterspell"? I cast GUN!"

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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None yet

MorriMorreu · 1

So, "Eat lead!" ignores a game effect, so it triggers Diana's ability! I had this dumb little idea and kind of fell in love with it.

Also, just worth it purely for the mental image, honestly:

Finn Edwards: "Diana, can you counterspell this for me, please?"

Diana: cocks gun

(Notes: I'm using the level 1 Eat Lead, because this is a starting deck! It just says it's unreleased, because it's a RttPtC card)


Aug 29, 2019 Shakiko · 6

Awesome !

But nothing counterspells a chanting cultist as effective as a .45 Thompson ! xD