Preston Fairmont Outsourcing Investigation

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

phillosmaster · 177

This deck made it all the way to the end of Return To Dunwich Legacy and won with resolution R1.

This was the final configuration of the deck. The basic function was to just pull clues off locations for his guardian ally (a blade, mirror Zoey deck). In the last scenario the Zoey deck had bad draws early on getting no weapons and all her weaknesses. Then was bogged down with enemies. I’ll See You In Hell was played rather than her losing her last sanity and being defeated anyway. So Preston was on his own. Luckily with most of the big enemies cleared out from Zoey’s swan song turn Preston was free to pay for clues and zip around the convoluted map. When something popped up a well timed Small Favor or Flare was enough. A clutch Elusive probably won me the scenario when he escaped from a Lurker to make his way to the Edge Of The Universe.

So how does this deck function? Just don’t pull chaos tokens if you can help it. If you can’t help it then throw so much money at the test that only the auto fail will make you fail. The was not hard to do with all the ridiculous clue gathering tech Preston has by the end of the campaign. This deck wants a Guardian to protect it but honestly most of the time Preston could evade his way to where he needed to go.

Mulligan for assets. I wanna see Lola or Flare but even just getting Well Connected or High Roller is a Decent start. Dig Deep and Fire Axe are there to give you some redundant ways to spend money to win tests. They make the deck more consistent but aren’t the go to plan. Gravedigger Shovel is for when we need didn’t get Lola or need to get two clue in a turn on a tough shroud location. Resourceful is for Shovel and Trial By Fire. TbF is there again for some redundancy so you have a way to repeatedly pass a test in a turn. Skeleton Key when it comes up makes this deck an investigation powerhouse.

This is a Rich Preston deck. You wanna buy your assets turn one then try and bank at least 10 resources so you have a good bank for Money Talks and We’ll Connected. If We’ll Connected comes out early I might sit in 15 to 20 resources mid game spending down my bank when necessary. You don’t need a big bank for this deck to run. It can just spend off Inheritance if it needs to but certainly things are going well when you see 15 resources in your pool which accumulates quick if you bank Inheritance once or twice.

LuckyCig case is the draw engine and should be firing often since when we do pull tokens we are going in at +4 most of the time if we can help it.


Aug 21, 2019 phillosmaster · 177

Resourceful was also clutch to grab exile cards in Dunwich since there is so much milling.

Hard to say what I would change about the deck. It functioned really well. I would consider Obol to snag The Golden Pocket Watch and Adaptable. If Preston needs to get out of trouble he has options. So I’m not too worried about Obol. Ace In The Hole would also be a nice option to have in the deck for stressful turns. I’d rather the watch though. Could go Charisma Leo as well, Finding the space for Leo is tough since everything is doing good work in the deck.

Aug 23, 2019 phillosmaster · 177

I think if I were to build this deck standalone I’d probably either throw a couple Another Day Another Dollars in there or one and a second Leveled up Dig Deeper. I’d honestly consider getting rid of the Fire Axe for the extra care. I was rarely broke and it only was useful in a couple situations where I needed to finish something off. I’d probably just rather evade enemies in this deck and let a guardian take car of it.

Aug 23, 2019 StyxTBeuford · 12970

Yeah rich Preston is hard for me to know how to build around because of Fire Axe's +1 damage turning off. I think with other fighters around you can go without it, but in solo you need to fight and you need to save actions, so the +1 damage for staying poor is huge. Maybe use Coup d'Grace?

Aug 23, 2019 phillosmaster · 177

This deck is investigation primarily with some attacking and evade as backup. Coup is not bad though honestly I’d just go baseball bat if I was replacing the axe. The shovels go away right after you buy them anyway in this deck. The bat could come out as a last resort weapon. Also I have resourceful to fish it out if needed. Most of the time I was evading or using small favors and flare to damage enemies and that was enough for most of it. Just punching with well connected or trial by fire or high roller was sufficient to finish off little enemies. Big enemies you evade. I think the second dig deep would give him a better chance of repeatable evade. Also the deck has elusive and cunning distraction as trump cards. You can always grab clues with intel report after you evade away.

Aug 23, 2019 StyxTBeuford · 12970

Bat with Trial By Fire is a good way to do it (7 fight), I hadn't considered that. Yeah, combined with Lola and Intel Report you shouldn't have any trouble getting clues anyway so it's not like you need Flashlight.

Aug 23, 2019 phillosmaster · 177

This deck was really good especially in the ladder half of the campaign. It literally just did stuff all the time without pulling tokens or it completely blew out the test. It only failed if I pulled the auto fail. You just need to be very economical with your actions because you usually can only do that for 1 or 2 tests a turn unless you throw down trail by fire. I’d play it again. It was definitely built to support a combat centric partner. If I tried it again as a solo deck, I think now I’d definitely try bat + trial by fire. Now that we are talking about it that sounds really sweet.

Aug 23, 2019 StyxTBeuford · 12970

Agreed, I think you helped me finally find a way to make Moneybags Preston enjoyable in solo, because Fire Axe was not cutting it (pardon the pun). Looks like a sweet deck man.

Aug 23, 2019 phillosmaster · 177

Thanks. I think if i was changing it for solo I might consider dumping the shovels since skeleton key, Lola and intel report might be enough at one investigator. Then that makes room for maybe Coup to give it another combat trick. Also it eliminates the potential hand slot conflict if you have bat out and wanna use a shovel.