Jenny Barnes's Charity Gala

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Lucaxiom · 3984

Hey; Have you ever played a Guardian and cursed your lack of economy, leaving you unable to play .45 Automatic or Beat Cop? Or perhaps you've played a Seeker with card draw coming out of your ears, but tearfully commit many of those cards to tests because you can't afford all of them?

Well fear not! Jenny Barnes and her patronage will see you get to play your class's coolest, most expensive cards, like .45 Thompson, Fingerprint Kit, Rite of Seeking or Aquinnah.

In all seriousness, this is an untested concept, but a noble one; share the wealth of resources that rogues get among your teammates, and watch them have more fun at the table as a direct result.

The two cards that enable this deck style are Teamwork and Charles Ross, Esq., so Jenny Barnes is really the only viable rogue for this play-style; her inbuilt economy booster, plus the ability to include seeker and guardian cards make her the perfect fit.

Of course, if you're carrying the expenses of a whole team, she'll need some help on the resource front. In this regard, including Lone Wolf (or it's newer counterpart Investments) is heavily recommended for its reliable drip of resources. Emergency Cache and "Watch this!" go a long way as well, but really any decent resource acquisition will do.

That's really all you need for the strategy, which is advantageous as it leaves Jenny plenty of room to be a useful teammate in her own right while she waits for the right cards to come along. All that's really recommended is plenty of card draw, and cards that provide a +2 attribute boost.

To this end, the core set neutral cards are your friend, as they do both. I've gone for a and focus, but neglecting is dangerous, and should be considered to counter her weakness Searching for Izzie. She's flexible enough to dip into all four attributes, or be more focused and heavily spec into two.

And that's pretty much it. Let me know if you think it will work, and if any improvements can be made.