Evidence room full of Relics

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

guybrush · 19

Enchanted Blade is great for Roland. Enchanted Blade(3) can also heal Horror. So who can help us find Relics? It's Dr. Elli of course.

This is a rough draft of a deck that I want to try when Enchanted Blade(3) is out.

Ideally we want to use the effects on our Allies and then use them as Horror shields or play Calling in Favors to get another use out of them. If Dr. Elli has Enchanted Blade on her, we can use up our charges and dispose her then. Because she can also carry our Timeworn Brand or an Accessory, we probably want to run Charisma as well.

We have many cards in here that can "search the top 9 cards of your deck", so finding the right cards shouldn't be an issue. Some of the cards are a bit expensive, but hopefully Crack the Case and Dr. Elli can help with the funding.

This deck also works with the Taboo List in mind.