Lola Hayes "I believe you, but my tommy gun don't"

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

brerlapine · 19

Home Alone 2: "All right.... I believe you... but my Tommy gun don't"

With the new duel faction cards Lola Hayes deck requirements become easier to fulfill. I have been playing this deck in a new expert campaign, and while we all consider Lola Hayes a weak character, it has been fun (but not the time I only got one success out of ten tries). Lola needs some throw in help, especially at the beginning, so Minh Thi Phan or Silas Marsh are recommended to help support you.

Key of Ys fixes all your problems and should be added first if you are power gaming.


Stick a Contraband, Custom Ammunition, and Reliable/Emergency Cache on your Stick to the Plan.

You are searching for you gun or Scrying in your opening hand. You are willing to mulligan everything. Turn one (without an Improvisation): choose rogue or guardian, gain a resource, play .45 Thompson, SWITCH ROLES and take your final action.

Custom Ammunition for seven ammo, and then Contraband for an amazing fourteen ammo doing three damage to monsters with a +2 fist modifier.

The only other thing of note is how WONDERFUL Act of Desperation is for .45 Thompson. When you run out of ammo, throw it at the villain, get +6 fist, and hopefully get all 6 resources back.... amazing.

It is EXTREMELY important to not draw Crisis of Identity while in or . Improvisation and Scrying help mitigate that problem. And hopefully you draw both early in the game and never have to worry again. After scrying I placed the known cards at an angle on top of my deck so I know how much security I have before I need to switch back to safe faction.