Rita Young on the edge! - Role-playing deck

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Frankenstyle · 8

This is my unoptimised deck for a blind playthrough of TCU with two others on easy. I say unoptimised because I've tried to leave room for random combinations to come out during play, rather than being efficient.

This is where I feel easy mode really shines - it allows you to focus on creating a theme deck, which can be really fun and surprising to play, and makes for some great spontaneous story moments in game.

In this deck Rita has found herself caught up unwittingly in the events. A gang of hoods is after her for unknown reasons and Rita, along with her best friend Peter Sylvestre, needs to get to the bottom of the mystery before they catch up with her.

Given that she's on the run, I've kept assets to things she might be easily available to her or she could scoop up. Likewise, I've leant towards desperate cards to emphasise that she's at her best under pressure.

Trying to not think too much about upgrades (other than Peter Sylvestre of course) but I do like the idea of her getting her hands on an Old Hunting Rifle - combining it with Act of Desperation when it jams feels very appropriate!

I'm encouraging the other players in the game to make their decks the same way. I would love feedback and to hear ideas for other character decks.