Norman fucks up the chaos bag

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

serre · 26

Going to play thursday the path to carcosa campaign on hard mode. This is the deck i eventually will be trying out. Norman goes for clues and messes with the chaos bag, to avoid those nasty chaos tokens.

Strategy: At start you won't be able to do much of the chaos bag manipulation so your main goal is to gather clues. I might think to change and swap out 1x scring and 1x ward of protection for 2x drawn to the flame to get multiple clues.

After you acquire some XP you will be able to get out lot's of chaos bag tokens. as of scenario 2 -> normally you will be getting more then 2xp you take the Protective incantations and with the cthonian stone you can take out 3 chaos bag tokens which is not bad. --> Never remove Emergency cache or dr milan christopher. They are key for resources.

Depending on how it goes and how easy i can keap up with paying for protective incantations i probably go for the Jewel of aureolous next. With the protective incantations you should take out high negative numbers so they are still plenty of other tokens in the bag that trigger jewel.---> i always think to take the resource imo. I kept in the perceptions and guts to draw for more cards and eureka is also there for more deck manipulation.

After that you can go further with sealing a forth chaos bag token... ofc the seal of the seventh sign is awesome to remove the auto-fail and combined with leveled book of shadows you can have cthonian stone, + 2x protectives and seal of the seventh sign spell --> 4 choas bag tokens out of the bag... that seems cool imo

this is 32 xp now so probably around the 5th or 6th scenario you will have that much xp. after that i was thinking to go for relic hunter + key of ys or hypmospheric map; or perhaps just upgrade the emergency caches if necessary.

ECONOMY: This deck does not need lot's of resources. That's good becaus eventually will make sure we can pay for the protective incantations. For that reason i did not include Well connected and fingerprint kit. Dr milan is the most expensive but ofc he will give the resources back to you, and with norman's ability cards are cheaper as well. I've got a plan is just there for backup when you need to play it. Most other cards are not that expensive and cost only 1 resource. 0 resources even when on top of your deck.

Funny part: Well book of shadaws can add charges to a spell asset. How about adding this to seal of the seventh sign when needed. No more auto-fails ever...