Wendy Adams the Pickpocket

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

rwinder · 1

Wendy has 4 mental trauma and 4 physical trauma after surviving “Night of the Zealot”, “The Dunwich Legacy”, and “Path to Carcosa”. Can she get by in “The Forgotten Age”? Probably not, but I might try anyway... loading up on defenses against trauma. Or maybe she can head to Egypt to take on the 2-parter there.

Multi-campaign log available here: https://boardgamegeek.com/geeklist/232012/item/5729899#item5729899

Some random thoughts follow.

This is the first solo Wendy deck I ever played, and I built it out with cards only available at the time of each campaign (hence the inclusion of things like "Close Call", which is OK, but I might have replaced it with something else in the library).

For example she took the Lucky Dice when they were first available because I thought they would be fun, but they soon wore out her welcome. Most of her XP ends up being spent on bringing back the exile cards in her deck.

I had already decided from the beginning that Wendy would be built around using Pickpocket, so I was delighted when a level 2 version came out late in the life of this deck, meaning I basically had to take Wendy to Carcosa after having earned so much trauma in the first two campaigns.

She has a ton of friends. Sadly Dr. Francis Morgan died in Dunwich, but the rest lived, so she has brought along the remaining Miskatonic and Dunwich crew. She was originally built to really lean on Peter and the Cat Burglar, to avoid any confrontation, but in choosing a "Conviction" run in Carcosa, it was essential she re-spec to being a killer since you must do damage to a couple enemies in Dim Carcosa. Adaptable has proven extremely good for these multi-campaign runs where you have a much narrower window of surviving.

Her biggest challenge was surviving Dim Carcosa, which is the only scenario I played more than twice (I don't really remind replaying if I get totally steamrolled or I'll die, unless it is the first run-through of a campaign).