

Coût: –.

Vie: 3. Santé Mentale: –.

: Move Cash Cart to a connecting location.

When an enemy would engage you or enter your location: Deal 1 damage to Cash Cart. Until the end of the round, enemies at this location cannot engage you.

Forced - When Cash Cart is defeated: Remember that you "stayed out of sight." Remove Cash Cart from the game.

Robert Laskey
Fortune et Folie #33. Fortune and Folly #33.
Cash Cart


No faqs yet for this card.


It is fun to push the cart through the vent.

"Ready, 1, 2, 3... lift" (Rumble, Rumble) (Crash!!) Calamity ensues in the guard room


"OK, I think we're good. Let's continue this heist!"

dlikos · 160
Unfortunately I don't think this is possible. If I recall correctly, those locations aren't connected, only for the purposes of investigator movement — Nenananas · 258